NICE Network
Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counseling in Europe


The NICE Foundation currently represents 49 founders from 22 European countries, including

  • 13 higher education institutions, which offer academic training for career practitioners,
  • 5 organizations that promote academic training and the professionalization of career guidance and counseling in Europe, and
  • 31 individuals, who are dedicated to academic training in career guidance and counseling as teachers, trainers, career specialists, researchers etc. (and some of whom are active in several countries)

Interested in Becoming a Founder?

Founders are organizations or people who actively promote academic training in career guidance and counseling. They make a one-time financial contribution to the foundation and formally endorse the common points of reference of NICE, including the European Competence Standards , and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Assembly of Founders elects the Board of the NICE Foundation. Only founders can become representatives of the foundation.

  • For further information, please consult our fact sheet .
  • To apply to become a founder, please fill out and submit a signed copy of the registration form to the current Chairperson of the NICE Foundation.

Higher Education Founders

Danube University Krems (Austria), Department for Continuing Education Research and Educational Management

Represented by Dr. Ulrike Kastler, Head of Center (principal contact)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Petermandl, Program Director
Prof. Monika Kil, Martina Feher

European University Cyprus, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Represented by Dr Nikos DrososDr. Nikos Drosos, Assistant Professor in Career Guidance and Counseling

University College Copenhagen (Denmark), Career Guidance Department

Represented by Inger-Lise Petersen, Coordinator of Unit, Associate Professor
Iben Lykkebo, Assistant Professor (principal contact)
Britt Høgh, Assistant Professor
Rasmus Kjær, Head of Department

Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Teacher Education College

Represented by Dr. Seija Koskela, Senior Lecturer (Mrs), Principal Contact
Jari Kalavainen (Mr) Head of Department, Teacher Education College
Hannele Torvinen (Mrs) R&D Manager, Teacher Education College
Anne Leppänen (Mrs) Senior Lecturer, Teacher Education College

Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers (Paris, France)
Inetop-Equipe Nationale Pédagogique “Travail”

Represented by Prof Dr Valérie Cohen-Scali and Prof Dr Jean-Luc Bernaud

University of Bordeaux (France), College of Human Sciences / Faculty of Psychology

Represented by Dr Jacques Pouyaud, Senior Lecturer in Psychology

University of Limerick (Ireland), School of Education

Represented by Dr. Lucy Hearne

Dublin City University (Ireland), Institute of Education

Represented by Assist. Prof. Paul King and Assist. Prof. Aisling Fleming - staff members of the MSc. / Degree Dip Guidance Counseling programs

Institute of Education and Home Economics (IEHE) of the Faculty of Engineering of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU)

Represented by Baiba Briede, Director of IEHE (principal contact), Inita Soika, Director of the professional Master's program “Career Counsellor”, Jānis Pāvulēns, Lecturer, Vija Dišlere Assoc. professor, Irēna Katane, Assoc. professor, and Regīna Baltušīte, Assoc. professor

Saxion University of Applied Science and Technology, Academie Mens en Arbeid Department (Deventer, the Netherlands)

Represented by Jan Woldendorp and Dr. Guido Bruinsma

Inland Norway University of Applied Science, Faculty of Education and Social Work

Represented by Erik Hagaseth Haug, Associate Professor, Acting head of Guidance Research and Training team; Ingrid Bårdsdatter Bakke, PhD candidate; Mårten Kae Paulsen, Associate Professor; Inger Marie Bakke, Associate Professor; Torild Schulstok, Assistant Professor; Tristram Hooley, Visiting Professor

University of Lausanne (Switzerland), Research Center in Vocational Psychology and Career Counseling (CePCO) at the Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Represented by Prof. Dr. Jonas Masdonati, Associate professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne (Principal Contact);
Prof. Dr. Jérôme Rossier, Full Professor
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Dauwalder, Professor Emeritus
Dr. Koorosh Massoudi, lecturer
Eva Clot-Siegrist, lecturer
Sylvie Franz, lecturer
Federico Durante, lecturer

International Center for Guidance Studies (iCeGS) at the University of Derby (UK)

Represented by Nicki Moore, Senior Lecturer in Career Development and Program Leader for the MA in Careers Education and Coaching. Lead for Continuing Professional Development for iCeGS
Dr Siobhan Neary, Head of iCeGS
Tom Staunton, Lecturer in Career Development

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) Department of Educational Studies,
Represented by Dr. Katerina Argyropoulou, Associate Professor in Career Counseling and
Career Decision Making.

Organizational Founders


National Forum Advice in Education, Career and Employment eV (nfb), Germany

Barbara Lamp, President
Karen Schober, Advisor
Bernd-Joachim Ertelt, Advisor

European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC)

Represented by Hazel Reid (ESVDC Ambassador to the NICE Foundation)
Laura Nota (ESVDC President)

Applied Vocational Psychology and Policy Research Unit (AVOPP), Luxembourg

Represented by Jean-Jacques Ruppert, Head

Association for Career Guidance and Career Development (Slovakia)

Represented by Tomas Sprlak, Chairman
Lenka Martinkovicová, responsible for academic training
Stefan Grajcar, Vice-Chair

Career Development Institute (United Kingdom)

Represented by Claire Johnson, Professional Development Manager

Individual Founders

Ani Hovsepyan (Armenia)

Career Center Specialist, Lecturer at the Chair of Education, Management and Planning, Doctoral Researcher

Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages ​​and Social Sciences

Erik Zeltner (Austria)

Prof Dr Srećko Goić (Croatia)

University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Department of Management

Iva Černja Rajter (Croatia)

Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb

Prof Dr Lenka Hloušková (Czech Republic)

Masaryk University
Faculty of Arts
Department of Educational Sciences

Dr. Filomena Parada (Finland)

University of Helsinki

Marie-Line Robinet (France)

Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers, Paris

Dr. Rebeca García-Murias (Germany and Spain)

Departamento de Pedagogía y Didáctica, Universidad de Santiago
de Compostela

Dr. István Kiss (Germany and Hungary)

Career Counselor / Specialist, Lecturer at Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (HdBA) University of Applied Labor Studies

Prof. Dr. Peter Weber (Germany)

University of the Federal Employment Agency (HdBA) University of Applied Labor Studies

Prof. Dr. Christiane Schiersmann (Germany)

Heidelberg University,
Institute of Educational Science

Nikos Drosos, PhD (Greece and Cyprus)

Career Counselor at CareeRevolution and PEPSAEE
Lecturer at University of Athens and European University Cyprus

Prof Patrizia Patrizi (Italy)

Full Professor of social psychology, responsible for psychological counseling service of University of Sassari

University of Sassari, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof Dr Laura Nota (Italy)

University of Padova
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology

Prof Dr Lea Ferrari (Italy), Associate Professor

University of Padova
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology

Dr Maria Cristina Ginevra (Italy), Assistant Professor

University of Padova
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology

Lisa Riondato, Career Specialist

Self-employed, affiliated with the University of Padova

Prof Dr Teresa Maria Sgaramella (Italy), Associate Professor

University of Padova
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology

Prof Dr Salvatore Soresi (Italy), Professor Emeritus
University of Padova
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology

Prof Dr Paola Magnano (Italy)

Kore University Enna

Prof Dr Roberta Piazza (Italy)

University of Catania
Department of Educational Sciences

Prof. Habil. Dr. Kestutis Pukelis (Lithuania)

Quality of Studies and Career Research Group at Vytautas Magnus University

Prof. Dr. Annelies EM van Vianen (The Netherlands)

University of Amsterdam, Department of Work and Organizational Psychology

Prof Dr Dr Czeslaw Noworol (Poland)

Jagiellonian University Kraków

Prof Dr Joanna Minta (Poland)

Adjunct, Vice-Dean of Education, Career Counselor in Academic Career Office

University of Lower Silesia, Faculty of Education

Agnieszka Zembrzuska, PhD (Poland)

University of Lower Silesia, Faculty of Education

Daria Zielińska-Pękał (Poland)

University of Zielona Gora

Maria Cristina Ceinos Sanz (Spain)

Profesora del Departamento de Pedagogía y Didáctica

University of Santiago de Compostela, Faculty of Sciences Education

Miguel Ángel Nogueira-Pérez, Professor (Spain)

University of Santiago de Compostela, Faculty of Sciences Education

Prof Elena Fernández Rey (Spain)

University of Santiago de Compostela, Faculty of Sciences Education

Johannes Katsarov (Germany)

Research Associate, Institute of Management & Organization, Leuphana University Lueneburg

Dr Anne Chant (United Kingdom)

Canterbury Christ Church University
Center for Career and Personal Development

Professor Emeritus Dr Hazel Reid (United Kingdom)

Faculty of Education
Canterbury Christ Church University