NICE Network
Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe

ECADOC Summer Schools

Together with the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC), NICE initiated the European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance and Counselling (ECADOC) in 2012. From 2013-2016, ECADOC was funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

ECADOC offers annual summer schools for doctoral researchers working on topics related to career guidance and counselling and careers, more widely. The interdisciplinary summer schools are organised in different countries every year and offer participants the opportunities, to present and discuss their research projects, to expand their knowledge of diverse research methods, to network with peers and senior researchers from other countries and more.

If you're interested, please visit the ECADOC Website at

ECADOC Listserver

For everybody interested in doctoral training and research in career guidance and counselling, ECADOC has a list server. Anybody interested in news on ECADOC summer schools, conferences in the field of career guidance and counselling and relevant projects can subscribe here. Subscibers are also kindly invited to share relevant news with the rest of the community, e.g., job postings.